So we need to invest in property together somewhere and divide up the year?

Just read the June was the rainiest since the 1880's!!!

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I am...hopefully WAS, at this point, one of those whining people. I'd like to think it's because winter was brutal for me. I was ready to leave CO for 3 months starting Dec 1 and hung on by my fingernails fighting my mood and my constant panic to find escape. Ask me how many hows I spent googling the warmest place I can drive to...So when spring didn't come with the usual sunshine it was tough. I did learn that if it's over 65 degrees and pouring I don't need to run. That's good news. But the glory of spring rain, the joy of greenery leaves and more happy flowers than I ever remember is worth it. Yes, I said it. But winter? MEH.

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jennifer M Koskinen

I appreciate you back!! 🥰

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Jennifer M Koskinen

Gorgeous photos, thoughtful reflections, fascinating research, but most impressive to me is your descriptive imagery. I am always in awe ( and proud) of your talent as a writer. Loved "...when heat grabbed the mic before winter had a chance to even take center stage.." XO

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Gorgeous. I'm so jealous! Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons. We didn't get a spring here in West L.A. (or not to my satisfaction). We had Graypril and May Gray and now June Gloom, generally in the 60s (we pay extra for good weather here; I would like a refund). The sun is finally breaking through that marine layer (for a few), but I have missed the sun and the moderate warmth of a lovely spring. I'm told we'll have a hot summer then more rain via El Niño. Love the rain (we are in an endless drought here, so I really love it), but it stole my springtime. I might have to adjust my expectations to endless summer/winters, with a few days of spring/autumn to hold onto. You are a talent, Jennifer! xo

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Thank you so much for sharing this. It provides important information while emphasizing the importance of celebrating the beauty of what is right here today. <3

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